June 16, 2008

inSingapore: Braving the PC Show 2008

Posted in Musings tagged , at 3:08 pm by myrlinn

I tagged along with a friend to the PC Show 2008 (computer fair/show aimed at end-users) last weekend.

Though I’d heard that the PC Show is always really well attended, the reality was still surprising to me. It was so packed we were only able to shuffle along at quite a few points. And… so noisy (I think my ears are still buzzing from the hubbub!) And it only got worse as the day wore on.

The person I was with wanted to go check out notebooks, so that’s what we did. I must say, if you’re prepared to go for some of the lesser-known but still good quality brands, there were some really good bargains to be had – the price cuts being offered there was definitely steep. We didn’t go to the Sony booth, but as we were leaving the show, I saw quite a few people with Sony Vaio boxes, so that booth must have been offering some really good bargains.

The most memorable item? I didn’t even know Suzuki made notebooks, but from a non-techie point of view strictly looking at the design point of view… I loved one of the models model. Parts of the casing was made of what looks like metal, and painted bright yellow. Just like the body of car. Very cool.

And of course there was the usual credit card marketers, and… this is the annoying bit, insurance agents. One agent lured us by saying he wanted to talk about a savings plan, only for us to find out after we sat down that he’s from a well-known insurance agency, and he’s actually selling insurance.   And, even more incriminating/deceptive, the booth he was at didn’t have the name of that insurance agency; instead it had the name of a not that well-known online insurance site), We made our escape… FAST!!!