June 12, 2008

The fascination with Jaymes Foster…

Posted in Musings tagged , , , , , , , at 9:00 am by myrlinn

My thought for the day — if you’ve read some of my other posts where I mention my thought of the day, you’ll know that my thoughts usually involve questions about things which interest me.

I was looking at the stats for this blog this morning, and you know what? “Jaymes Foster” has featured as a search term leading readers here for the last week or so (because her name is mentioned in the RCA piece on Clay Aiken’s ‘On My Way Here’ I posted some time ago). Not a bad thing in the case of this blog, of course, since the search leads straight to info on Clay’s CD.

But it led me to thinking about the popular fascination with celebrity lives. It’s like we expect their real lives to be available to us 24/7. Remember The Truman Show, anyone? What does that say about our culture? And about the ability of the public to be discerning when it comes to the media? Are we content to see a situation where to satisfy this demand, the media is sensationalising ‘news’, sacrificing editorial integrity and vigilance in quite a few cases? These questions are running around in my head at the moment, together with lots of half-formed thoughts.

I shall probably have more to say after I think about this some more, because this is another area I’ve always been enthusiastic about — how we deal with the images presented to us, and how we relate to the media.