May 5, 2008

The Any-old-how Cook: East Meets West Aglio Olio

Posted in Food tagged , , , , at 7:29 am by myrlinn

One of my favourite dishes when I go to an “Italian” restaurant in Singapore is Aglio Olio (or perhaps, more accurately, according to my quick Google Search, Aglio e Olio). The dish is simplicity itself — garlic (aglio), hot chilli pepper and herbs sauteed in olive (olio) oil and added to pasta. I just LOVE the combination of pungent garlic with sharp chilli and fragrant herbs.

It’s such a great dish that this any-old-how cook just had to come up with her own quick ‘n’ easy version:

East Meets West Aglio Olio Noodles,
Any-old-how Cook style 😉

Serves One


  • 1 packet instant noodles

  • Oil

  • 2 cloves of garlic (what can I say. I have a weakness for garlic!)

  • 1 red chilli, finely sliced

  • 3 pieces French Beans, finely sliced
  • Light soya sauce, to taste

  • Italian mixed herbs


1. Bring a pot of water to the boil. Cook instant noodles, and drain. Put aside.

2. Heat oil, then sautee chilli and garlic. Add in French beans, then sprinkle mixed herbs over it. Fry till french beens is cooked, but still crunchy.

3. Turn off the heat. Then add soya sauce to taste (I usually put add in about 1 tablespoon of soya sauce).

4. Add the cooked instant noodles to the pan and toss. It’s now ready to serve.

Note: I like my noodles this way, with just a hint of soya sauce. However, for those who like it more flavourful,  I usually add in fish sauce. Or, for a spicier kick, add chilli oil.

So there you go, one of my favourite things to prepare at home.

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